Extraordinary Blue-eyed Cat with a Whitish body and Dark points
Thai Cats
Jon Crimes - Last Updated on December 18th, 2021
What you Need to Know about the Thai Cat
The Thai cat is a short-haired breed that originated from Thailand. Closely linked to the Siamese, these 'pointed' cats have a soft and silky coat and striking features.
They are lithe to look at and have a unique head shape that is flat and long.
Their head moves into a very distinctive wedge-shaped muzzle, which curves into their cheekbones. The end of this muzzle is described as being spade-shaped.
Ears are broad and set high on the Thai's head. From the front, the ears are similar to fingers making a 'peace sign'.
Beautiful blue or green eyes complete the stunning look of this attractive cat.

Appearance Matters. What does a Thai Cat look like?
A medium build with a muscular and very unique appearance sums up the Thai cat. They have a tail that tapers and a face that is described as heart-shaped.
Female Thai's are generally smaller than male cats and have a 'dainty' appearance.
This breed can be confused with the Siamese.
What is the difference between the Thai and Siamese breeds?
The main difference between the Thai cat vs. Siamese is in the body shape. Thai's are more muscular and have a stocky appearance. Siamese cats are 'skinny' in comparison.
Thai cats also have faces that are described as being apple or heart-shaped. The Siamese's face is more 'flat'. Looking at the two breeds from the front makes this difference very apparent.
Thai Cat Colors
Thai cats can come in the following coat colors and patterns:
- Thai Lilac
The coat is a lovely lilac color. This is enhanced with a tone that is pinky-beige with additional tipping of silver.
- Thai Blue Point
Blue points have a body-color, which is best described as 'off-white'. There can also be some shading on the sides and back of the cat's fur. The coat also has silver tipping.
Eye color can vary between the two colors. The Thai Lilac has green eyes while the Blue Point is a bright blue color. Both cats have eyes that are commonly described as being expressive and intelligent.
It's all Personal. The Thai Cat Personality
The Thai cat personality is very like that of the early Siamese cats.
Curious, intelligent, and very active. They also love people, and owners describe their Thai cats as having small children in the house. There will be no mistaking that they are part of the family.
They also think that they can 'help' you with anything you're doing! Whilst charming, patience might be required here. Don’t be surprised when they assist with the computer keyboard or try and help you read your favorite book!
Thai's are naturally chatty cats. They're not loud cats, but once they get going, you're going to need to pay them attention to stop them talking. If you leave them in the house, expect your Thai to be waiting at the door for you when you get home, chatting away.
They also love to explore and will jump on just about any high up object to see if they can balance on it.
If they can't, they'll move on to the next available bit of furniture.
Another way they communicate is with their face and paws.
When they want your attention, this might include a gentle tap with their paws.
This can also go a stage further and include a full-on Thai cat face right against your nose! They know how to get attention.
This breed is considered to be one of the most emotional of cats. If you're looking for a close companion and have the time to give them attention, then the Thai might be the right cat for you.
Like a fine wine, a well-nurtured friendship with a Thai cat will only get better over time.

Caring for your Thai Cat
Being a short-breed, the Thai is a low maintenance cat that won't need a lot of grooming. Brushing once a week should help keep mats away, and their coats are looking pristine.
These cats don't shed much hair. Just keep up with the brushing routine, and your home should remain fur-free. It'll also help your cat by reducing the possibility of frequent fur-balls.
Are Thai cats hypoallergenic?
Not completely, but they don't shed a lot of hair and might be suitable even if you suffer from mild allergies.
Other activities to include in your grooming routines include checking their ears. If they're dirty, wipe with a soft, damp cloth. Also, examine their eyes weekly for discharge. This can be wiped away with another damp cloth. The other important thing to look at is their nails. These cats like to explore furniture, so they aim to keep their claws well-trimmed.
The Health and Happiness of your Thai Cat
Thai cats are considered to be a generally healthy and long-lived breed. They have no known genetic disorders, but some of the conditions which affect the breed along with other cats include:
- Obesity. Thai cats are quite active and have little excuse to be affected by obesity. But like all cats, they can be greedy and will need their diet monitoring. Keeping your cat at an ideal weight will help to prevent any other health conditions. Most Thai cats should weigh between 8 and 10 pounds.
- Dental disease. Monitor your cat's teeth and gums for signs of disease. This can include gum inflammation and the build-up of plaque. Teeth brushing should be relatively easy with this breed if it started as a young kitten.
- Kidney disease. This generally affects older cats and happens when the kidneys stop performing their important filtering function. Signs to look out for include excessive urination and fatigue and will need a vet visit to investigate the causes further.
What's a Thai cat's lifespan?
Expect a healthy and well-looked after cat to have a lifespan of around 15 years.
How Do I Find Reputable Thai Breeders?
These breathtakingly beautiful cats are not that uncommon, so finding a breeder shouldn’t be a huge problem.
We have compiled a list of Thai cat breeders, so make sure to check it out so you can find the best one for you. Getting your pet from a reputable breeder is important and we’re here to help you with that.
Getting a cat from a breeder has a lot of advantages, most importantly you will be able to avoid a lot of health issues because they will guarantee a healthy pet. These cats can cost anywhere between $500 and $1,500.
Feline History. Where does the Thai Cat come from?
For many years, a cat breed called the 'Wichien Maat’ has been treasured by the Thai people.
The British imported this 'pointed' breed in the 19th century. Here, western breeders started to produce cats, which were even more striking to look at. Deep blue eyes with a head and body that had more 'style' were the result.
This breed development was a slow process, but by the 1950s, the original Siamese styling was gone. Slimmer bodies, longer heads, and finer bone structure was the result. The Thai breed was born.
As with most new cat breeds, the opinion between breeders was divided. Some loved the new look. Others preferred the historical, more conservative look of the Siamese.
TICA gave the new Thai cats 'advanced new breed' status in 2009.